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How can I improve my PHP model for my HTML5/JS mobile app?


I am posting the a section of the model of my application.

Any/all feedback would be very helpful as I am trying to build my PHP skills, but I will ask a couple specific questions that might help others as well.

  1. Is my escaping, as is, effective enough?

  2. I tried to separate my model into a file that will deal with functions exclusive to 'Groups' and a file that will deal with database functions used by all sections of the app. Is this a good strategy?

  3. My Group model could use some more refactoring, but what do you think of the way I take and return data? (by using $data and $input, $data being the variable that is returned the controller and will be eventually sent to the view via JSON)

  4. What are your thoughts about 'public function show_one($user_id, $group_id, $privacy)' which is meant to display one groups information, given proper privacy settings?

  5. Any other input will be greatly appreciated. I am working hard to improve my programming skills everyday.

Group Model

2) The Group Model:

<?phprequire_once("database.php");class model {            ///data is returned to the controller    public $data = array('success'=>0,'msg' =>'There was a small problem, try again soon.','data_type' => 'group','action' => '','results'=> array(),        );            //anything that will be put into the DB will be held in input    public $input = array();        public $exclude =array();    public function __construct($a) {        Global $db;        $db->escape($a);        $this->input = $db->escape($a);        @$this->data['action'] = $a['action'];    }//move insert and data return up here}class create_group_model extends model {    public function insert_new_group($a) {        Global $db;        $b = $db->insert_array('group', $a, 'action');        if ($b['mysql_affected_rows']===1) {            $this->data['success'] = 1;            $this->data['msg'] = 'Congrats, you created a new group.';            array_push($this->data['results'], $b['mysql_insert_id']);            return $this->data;        } else {            $this->data['success'] = 0;            $this->data['msg'] = 'No group created, try again soon.';            return $this->data;        }               }}class search_group_model extends model {    public function default_list_groups() {        $this->list_groups($this->input['lat'], $this->input['lng'], 'group', 10, 30, $this->input['user_id'], 'all' );        $this->data['msg'] = 'Updated';        return $this->data;    }    public function custom_list_groups() {//add custom settings        $this->list_groups($this->input['lat'], $this->input['lng'], 'group', 10, 10);    }    public function my_list_groups($id){        Global $db;        //fix distance 10000 here, so it doesnt take into account distance        $b = $db->def_g_list($this->input['lat'], $this->input['lng'], 'group', 10000, 30, (int)$id, 'mine');        if ($b !== 0) {            $this->data['success'] = 1;            while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($b, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {                array_push($this->data['results'], $row);            }            $this->data['msg'] = 0;            return ($this->data);               } else {            $this->data['msg'] = 'There was a small problem, try again soon.';            $this->data['success'] = 0;            return ($this->data);        }       }    public function show_one($user_id, $group_id, $privacy) {        Global $db;        (bool)$confirm = FALSE;        if($privacy === 0){            $confirm  = TRUE;        }else {            $confirm  = FALSE;            $privacy = 1;        }        if(!$confirm){            $s = 'group_id';            $f = 'user_group_rel';            $w = sprintf("user_id =%d AND group_id=%d",$user_id, $group_id);            $b = $db->exists($s,$f,$w);            if(mysql_num_rows($b) ===1 && !is_num($b)) {                $confirm=true;            }        }        if($confirm){            $s = 'group_id,group_name,location_name,description,            user_id,lat,lng,created_by_name,state';            $f = 'group';            $w = sprintf("group_id=%d AND privacy=%d",(int)$group_id, (int)$privacy);            $b = $db->exists($s,$f,$w);            if(mysql_num_rows($b) ===1 && !is_int($b)) {                $this->data['success'] = 1;                $this->data['msg'] = 0;                while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($b, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {                    array_push($this->data['results'], $row);                }                $this->data['results'][0]['people']= $this->group_mems($user_id, $group_id);                $this->data['results'][0]['total_people']= $this->group_mems_count($group_id);                return ($this->data);            }        }        $this->data['msg'] = 'There was a small problem, try again soon.';        $this->data['success'] = 0;        echo 'still going';        return ($this->data);    }    public function group_mems($me, $group_id) {        Global $db;        $result = array();        $q = sprintf("            SELECT                 t1.group_id, t2.user_id, t2.username, t2.first_name, t2.last_name, t2.user_id = %d as me            FROM user_group_rel t1            LEFT JOIN users t2 ON t1.user_id = t2.user_id            WHERE  group_id = %d and status = 1            ORDER BY me desc",        (int)$me, (int)$group_id);        $b = $db->query($q);        if ($b !== 0 and is_resource($b)) {            while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($b, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {                    array_push($result, $row);            }            return $result;             } else {            return 'err';        }    }    public function group_mems_count($group_id) {        Global $db;        $result = array();        $q = sprintf("            SELECT             count(t1.user_id) as people            FROM user_group_rel t1            WHERE  group_id = %d and t1.status = 1",        (int)$group_id);        $b = $db->query($q);        if ($b !== 0 and is_resource($b)) {            while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($b, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {                    array_push($result, $row);            }            return $result[0]['people'];                } else {            return 'err';        }    }    private function list_groups($lat, $lng, $table, $distance, $limit, $id, $whos) {        Global $db;        $b = $db->def_g_list($lat, $lng, $table, $distance, $limit, (int)$id, $whos);        if ($b !== 0) {            $this->data['success'] = 1;            while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($b, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {                array_push($this->data['results'], $row);            }            return ($this->data);               } else {            $this->data['msg'] = 'There was a small problem, try again soon.';            $this->data['success'] = 0;            return ($this->data);        }    }}class join_group_model extends model {    public function join_group() {        Global $db;        $pass = 0;        if(array_key_exists('password', $this->input) && strlen($this->input['password'])>20) {            $pass = $db->pass_check('group', $this->input['group_id'],$this->input['password'] );        }        else {            $pass = $db->pass_check('group', $this->input['group_id'],'NULL' );        }        if($pass !==0) {                array_push($this->exclude, 'password', 'action');            $b = $db->insert_array('user_group_rel',$this->input, $this->exclude);            //echo print_r($b);            if ($b !== 0) {                $this->data['success'] = 1;                $this->data['results'] = $this->input['group_id'];                $this->data['msg'] = ' you joined a new group. ';                return ($this->data);                   } else {                $this->data['msg'] = 'There was a small problem, try again soon.';                $this->data['success'] = 0;                return ($this->data);            }        }       }    public function unjoin_group() {        Global $db;        $b = $db->delete('user_group_rel', (int)$this->input['user_id'], (int)$this->input['group_id']);        if ($b !== 0) {            $this->data['success'] = 1;            $this->data['results'] = $this->input['group_id'];            $this->data['msg'] = ' you left that group. ';            return ($this->data);               } else {            $this->data['msg'] = 'There was a small problem, try again soon.';            $this->data['success'] = 0;            return ($this->data);        }    }}


3) Application wide database methods. A couple notes:

a) Probably the most glaring mistake here is not using PDO statements.

<?phprequire_once('../config/config.php');class MySQLDatabase {    private $connection;    public $last_query;    private $magic_quotes_active;    private $real_escape_string_exists;  function __construct() {    $this->open_connection();        $this->magic_quotes_active = get_magic_quotes_gpc();        $this->real_escape_string_exists = function_exists( "mysql_real_escape_string" );  }    public function open_connection() {        $this->connection = mysql_connect(DB_SERVER, DB_USER, DB_PASS);        if (!$this->connection) {            die("Database connection failed: " . mysql_error());        } else {            $db_select = mysql_select_db(DB_NAME, $this->connection);            if (!$db_select) {                die("Database selection failed: " . mysql_error());            }        }    }    public function close_connection() {        if(isset($this->connection)) {            mysql_close($this->connection);            unset($this->connection);        }    }    public function query($sql) {        $this->last_query = $sql;        $result = mysql_query($sql, $this->connection);        $this->confirm_query($result);        return $result;    }    public function escape($q) {        if(is_array($q))             foreach($q as $k => $v)                 $q[$k] = $this->escape($v); //recursive        else if(is_string($q)) {            $q = mysql_real_escape_string($q);        }            return $q;    }    private function confirm_query($result) {        if (!$result) {        $output = "Database query failed: " . mysql_error() . "<br /><br />";        die( $output );        }    }    public function exists($s,$f, $w) {         //rewrite bottom 2 functions rid of this function        $q = sprintf("SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE %s LIMIT 1",$s,$f, $w);        //echo $q;        $result = $this->query($q);        if (mysql_num_rows($result)===0) {            return 0;        } else if (mysql_num_rows($result)===1) {            return $result;        } else{            return 0;        }    }    public function pass_check($t, $id, $p) {        if ($p==='NULL'){            $q = sprintf("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE %s_id = %s AND password is NULL", $t,$t,$id);         }        else{            $q = sprintf("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE %s_id = %s AND password = '%s'", $t,$t,$id,$p);        }        $result = $this->query($q);        if (mysql_num_rows($result)===0) {            return (int)0;        } else if (mysql_num_rows($result)>0) {            return $result;        }    }    public function insert_array($table, $data, $exclude = array()) {        $fields = $values = array();        if( !is_array($exclude) ) $exclude = array($exclude);        foreach( array_keys($data) as $key ) {            if( !in_array($key, $exclude) ) {                $fields[] = "`$key`";                $values[] = "'" .$data[$key] . "'";            }        }        $fields = implode(",", $fields);        $values = implode(",", $values);        if( mysql_query("INSERT INTO `$table` ($fields) VALUES ($values)") ) {            return array( "mysql_error" => false,"mysql_insert_id" => mysql_insert_id(),"mysql_affected_rows" => mysql_affected_rows(),"mysql_info" => mysql_info()                        );        } else {            echo print_r(array( "mysql_error" => mysql_error() ));            return 0;        }    }    public function def_g_list($lat, $lng, $table, $dist, $limit, $id, $whos='all') {        //either refactor to make this function more flexible or get rid of table variable        $where = '';        if(is_int($id) && $id>0 && $id < 100000 && $whos == 'all'){            //subquery used to display only groups the user is NOT IN- probably a better way to do this            $where = sprintf("                t2.group_id NOT IN (                SELECT user_group_rel.group_id                FROM user_group_rel                WHERE user_group_rel.user_id =%d)",            (int)$id);        } else if (is_int($id) && $id>0 && $id < 100000 && $whos == 'mine') {            $where = 't3.user_id = '  . (int)$id;        } else {            return 0;        }        $d_formula = $this->distance_formula($lat, $lng, 't1');        //sorry for this query        $q = sprintf("            SELECT                t1.group_id, t1.group_name, t1.location_name, t1.description, t1.lat, t1.lng,                         t1.privacy,t2.people, %s            FROM %s AS t1            JOIN (SELECT group_id, count(group_id) as people                  FROM user_group_rel                  GROUP BY group_id) t2                  ON t1.group_id = t2.group_id                      JOIN (SELECT user_group_rel.group_id, user_group_rel.user_id                  FROM user_group_rel ) t3                  ON t1.group_id = t3.group_id            WHERE %s             GROUP BY t1.group_id            HAVING distance < %s            ORDER BY distance            LIMIT %s",        $d_formula, $table, $where,$dist, $limit );        $result = $this->query($q);        if (mysql_num_rows($result)===0) {            return 0;        } else if (mysql_num_rows($result)>0) {            return $result;        }    }       function delete($table,$uid,$cid) {        $q = sprintf('            DELETE FROM `disruptly`.`%s`            WHERE `%s`.`user_id` = %d            AND `%s`.`group_id` = %d',$table, $table, $uid,$table, $cid        );         //echo $q;        $result = $this->query($q);        if ($result===0) {            return 0;        } else if ($result===1) {            return $result;        }       }    public function distance_formula($lat, $lng, $table) {        //get rid of the round after'SELECT *,' for more accurate results        $q = sprintf("round(3956 * 2 * ASIN(SQRT( POWER(SIN((%s -abs(%s.lat)) * pi()/180 / 2),2) + COS(%s * pi()/180 ) * COS(abs(%s.lat) *  pi()/180) * POWER(SIN((%s - %s.lng) *  pi()/180 / 2), 2) )),2) as distance ", $lat, $table, $lat, $table, $lng, $table);        return $q;    }   }$database = new MySQLDatabase();$db =& $database;

Edit - If anyone disagrees or has something to add, don't be shy.

I'm going to ask some follow-up questions:

  1. You said, "...these are models whose functionality is designed for its controller rather than a controller whose functionality is designed for its model." This was spot on. I started coding my "controller" in mind first, or rather what data will the view be requesting from the model. In the future, I should construct my model first?

  2. Globals are evil, lesson (re)learned. Never again. No question here, just a fact.

  3. You say, "Let me just say that this is not the implementation I am suggesting..." I imagine in reference to my overall structure. I'm not asking you to outline a new implementation, but how you would approach/think about it differently. (2-3 sentences is fine)

  4. "Why are all of your methods returning the $data property?" It is a phonegap application, so the whole 'view' is already on the client. The controller sends $data(JSON) for each ajax request for the info to be filled in. This might be the root of the botched MVC pattern, this was my thinking:

View: Client-side app, which has all the templates already loaded and fills them with requests to the controller via ajax

Controller: Skinny gatekeeper between client and model - not much going on here besides accepting get/post requests, validation(does username have 5 letters?) and forwarding data to the appropriate functions in the model. Then passing the model's data relatively untouched to the 'view'(will add an html sanitizing function).

Model (Group): All methods/classes pertaining to group functionality (SQL Statement prep, parse and return).

Model (Database): Where all the application wide sql queries actually get escaped, executed and returned 'untouched'

Q) Am I correct in my understanding that you're saying the Model(Group) looks more like a controller than a model because of the parsing?

  1. "There is no reason to typecast something that is already of the type you are trying to cast it to." My reasoning for using typcasting and sprintf(with %d) was perhaps a failed attempt at data integrity/security. For example, I expect user_id to be a number but what if someone sends a string or an sql injection technique? I thought those were 2 ways of potentially saving yourself from a 1=1. You say no not worth it? (probably the most correct answer is just use PDO).

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